Dear [name of elected official]:

I am writing as a taxpayer to ask that you not attend the December 2, 2012 annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Membership event to be held in Sacramento.

AIPAC lobbies for using U.S. taxes (currently over $8 million a day) to support Israel’s violations of international law and human rights and its continual stealing of Palestinian land for illegal settlements.

AIPAC also supports a war against Iran which could kill millions of civilians and waste billions of our tax dollars – money badly needed for local and state government programs and services.

   While you can listen to various points of view and meet in your office with anyone, attending the AIPAC Membership meeting is a public display of support for its advocacy of war, human rights violations, and occupation.

Please contact me regarding your decision about attending this meeting.


Your name

mailing address, email address