► Boycott SodaStream bannering & leafleting continues on Saturdays in February 2014 for details, email: [email protected]
► STOP Palestinian Home Demolitions: Contact Congress about your tax dollars being used to support Israel’s destruction of Palestinian homes, including those of 27 families last week in the Jordan Valley. Call: 202-224-3121 or email Reps: Matsui; Bera; Garamendi; McClintock; other reps. Senators Boxer and Feinstein
►Take Action: Ask the Sacramento City Council to rebuke malicious and baseless charges that members of the Coalition “have a propensity to engage in violence against people or property”. This accusation was made by the Chair of the Ashkelon Sister City Committee, who also is the President of the Jewish Federation of Sacramento – an organization which uncritically promotes Israel and its policies. Click for more info.
► Take action to stop harassment, arrest and jailing of non-violent activists
Israel has been stepping up arrests, harassment, jailing and torture of non-violent activists for their internet activism, (see www.sacpeace.org/PrintFriendly/newsletter.pdf). One of these, 25-year old Sireen Khudairy has now been forced into hiding (http://freesireen.wordpress.com).
1. Contact your Congressional representative and Senators (202-224-3121) and ask them to intervene on Sireen’s behalf to stop Israel’s harassment and intimidation of her, her family and all other non-violent Palestinian activists.
2. Contact the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco (415-844-7500) and tell the consulate you want Israel to stop its harassment, arrest and imprisonment of Palestinian non-violent activists, including Sireen Khudairy.
3. Express your concerns to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCH) http://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/ContactUs.aspx and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Occupied Palestinian Territories) www.ochaopt.org/index.aspx
► Sacramento eyewitness: Updates from Palestine Nov. 2013
► Take Action: Sign the petition to Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) from receiving charitable tax exemption for discrimination including participating in the forced displacement of 30,000 Bedouin Palestinians, and isolation of another 40,000, from their lands.
► Check out Apartheid Adventures latest video - SodaStream: Keeping Apartheid in Business.
► Japanese Santa Claus says NO to SodaStream!
► FOLLOW Boycott SodaStream on Twitter: @sacbds.org, @StopSodaStream, @AndyWhitmoreKC
► SHARE: SodaStream ad spoofs and help: SodaStream Owners Anonymous Support Group
● Sign the petition to Ben & Jerry’s asking them to stop making ice cream in Israel & selling it in the illegal settlements.
● Sign the national petition asking chain stores to stop selling SodaStream. Then forward it to your friends, family, colleagues, etc and ask them to sign. For sample message, email: [email protected]
● Don’t buy SodaStream & ask stores not to carry it — click for more info. Share handout Click for store contact & ethics policy.
● Sign Adalah-NY letters to NYC-based charity CITY HARVEST