Sign the international petition to boycott Hewlett-Packard. Join local efforts to boycott H-P.
Tell Congress to oppose the unconstitutional Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720 & H.R. 1697) and S. 170. These bills would criminalize boycotts which are a form of protected free speech. They are strongly opposed by many civil rights groups. All Senators and Representatives can be reached at 202-224-3121 or click here to email them.
Boycott Israel’s war crimes, occupation, and other violations of human rights & international law: Don’t buy Israeli products & ask stores not to sell them. Don’t invest in companies that profit from Israel’s abuses.
Wear t-shirts, Palestinian colors & kafeyahs to show support for Palestinian rights! Click to order t-shirts & bumper stickers.
Please sign and share petitions for Palestinian Rights.
Check for more local events.